The Strongest Girls Have a Loved One in Heaven
She knows what pain feels like. Not just the pain of getting dumped or ghosted or cheated on. She’s experienced extreme heartache. The...
What's a Squirrels Best Friend?
His smile is everything... but even more than that was his attitude. Josh nicknamed me squirrel early on in our relationship due to my...
Zack Powell
I don't know what I would do without this amazing human!!! Losing my husband at 29 years old has not been an easy thing to learn how to...
Remembering Josh
I received this amazing message from one of Josh's West Point classmates and I wanted to share it with everyone... Fabi, We've never met...
Bare Naked Ladies
This video always makes me smile... One of Josh's favorite things to do was make me mad just so he could laugh at my reaction. That's why...
JP repost
"I wouldn't want anyone else with me on this journey she is always my #wcw @fabicalborn" - Josh Powell I wouldn't want to be with anyone...
Following My Heart to TN
Two years ago today I moved across the country for a boy I fell in love with at a bar. Two months after we met he was diagnosed with...