2017... you have been the most heartbreaking, yet fulfilling year of my life. I have spent the past few hours reflecting on what has happened this past year and my mind is honestly blown. Being numb with grief for 8 out of the last 12 months has made me forget everything that has happened. First off... I buried the love of my life in the most beautiful place with the most honorable burial exactly where he wanted to be laid to rest, I acquired the newest addition of our family Remington Powell, who has kept me on my toes EVERY day since, I celebrated my 30th birthday with incredible friends, I checked 10 more MLB stadiums off of mine and Josh’s bucket list, I resigned from my full time job as territory manager for Image Skincare after exceeding my yearly goal to launch Josh’s legacy, the @joshpowellfoundation, I faced one of my biggest fears and went skydiving for the first time, I tattooed “keep going” on my body because it’s a phrase I will always live by, I successfully planned and completed the first ever JPF charity event and raised over $5,200 for sarcoma patients and their loved ones, I completed my first ever spartan race, I ran not only in my first ever 5k but I completed 4 of them, I lost a lot of close friends but that made room for so many amazing new ones, I spent a lot of quality time with my family, I sent out over 2,000 Keep Going wristbands to those affected by sarcoma all over the world spreading Sarcoma Awareness and providing hope, courage, and strength to those battling this nasty disease, and my best friend got engaged! Whatever happened over this past year, be thankful for where it brought you. Where you are is where you’re meant to be. #2017bestnine #keepgoing