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Unique Deck of Cards

Monday 9/18/17 was one for the books. For the last 6 months I have been building a legacy in honor of my late husband Josh Powellcalled the Josh Powell Foundation. The JPF mission is to ensure that anyone facing adversity has the support to KEEP GOING. This mission is fulfilled by sharing Josh's Keep Going statement with anyone who needs encouragement to persevere and rise above whatever it is that is keeping them down. Wristbands and postcards are sent out to newly diagnosed cancer patients and loved ones as a constant reminder to KEEP GOING and NEVER DIE EASY. By encouraging and motivating those facing adversity a ripple effect is created and they will then have the power to encourage and motivate others through their own story.

On Monday I made this mission live. I shared my mission on multiple sarcoma pages and offered free wristbands to anyone who needed encouragement to Keep Going. Within 24hrs I had 38 requests, which totaled 91 wristbands! These requests came from India, England, Canada, and all over the US. To those of you who have donated to JPF, I can't thank you enough for your love and support. It's because of you that I was able to go to the post office today and gift 38 packages of hope to 91 different people facing adversity in their life.

Seeing this vision come to life has been one of the most profound experiences. Receiving message after message of people thanking me for doing what I'm doing was so overwhelming in the most incredible way. I have always believed in my vision but seeing it come to life is unreal. I can't wait to see where we are a year from now.

I sincerely want to thank everyone who has opened their heart and donated to a cause that has the power to change so many lives. Without you none of this would be possible. If you get a chance, go to and check out some of the testimonials, they're pretty incredible.

One of Josh's favorite quotes was "Life hands us a unique deck of cards, and how we play those cards defines us and allows us to leave a legacy defined by our actions and our words." It's crazy because that is exactly what has happened. Josh was handed a unique deck of cards and we played the hell out of them while we had the chance. It's because of this mentality that I am now able to build a legacy in honor of Josh and change lives all over the world through his words and actions. #keepgoing #neverdieeasy

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© 2017 by the Josh Powell Foundation

The Josh Powell Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization, IRS identification number 82-1464502. Donations made to the Josh Powell Foundation are tax deductible in the U.S.

DONOR PRIVACY POLICY: Josh Powell Foundation (JPF) takes donor privacy seriously and treats all financial information about any transaction you have with the JPF as highly confidential.

In addition, the JPF does not sell, trade or share a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

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