Pro Fisherman: Jonathan Henry
Jon Henry is a pro fisherman who is battling Synovial Sarcoma, the same type of cancer that took Josh's life. Jon and I got in touch shortly after Josh died and after hearing his story I had to send he and his wife Keep Going wristbands. He is also being treated at MD Anderson by the same oncologist Josh was being treated by. She's the absolute best! Jon has dedicated his tournament this weekend to Josh. He has also promised to take me on his duck guide service this winter as duck hunting was one of Josh's last wishes that he never got to fulfill. Thank you Jon Henry for helping keep Josh's memory alive, it means the world. Also, please keep Jon and his family in your prays and watch him dominate his tournament this weekend! 🥇

"Meet Army Ranger William "Josh" Powell. Josh is a 27 year old graduate of West Point, where he also played football as a linebacker. Josh was diagnosed with thesame cancer as me a couple years ago, a short time after meeting Fabi Powell, the love of his life. Unfortunately, Josh lost his battle, but not without leaving his mark on the world for being a warrior, and Fabi has continued his legacy helping so many with this retched disease and even being there to answer questions for the many folks she doesn't know and has no reason to help, accept that she wants too. Thank you Josh for touching so many, and for showing us how to live. May you Rest In Peace brother. This tournament is for you this week. I know that's nothing, but I've dedicated several tournaments this year and I want to fish in your honor this week!"
- Jonathan Henry
#NEVERDIEEASY#LiveLikeJPDid #SarcomaSucks