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Thanksgiving Without You

There is always something to be thankful for... This year I am thankful for understanding friends and family who have stood by my side through this roller coaster ride of grief that I have been on and will continue to be on indefinitely. I am thankful for the love and support I have received while launching Josh’s legacy, the Josh Powell Foundation. I am also thankful for the last three Thanksgivings Josh and I got to spend together. And for every other day in between...

Last Thanksgiving was the last holiday we were together so this first without him is going to sting. It’s crazy scrolling through pictures of the last three years and watching cancer slowly destroy the love of my life ripping my heart straight out of my chest. There is nothing worse than watching your person suffer. The last pictures are of Josh and I breaking the wishbone last Thanksgiving a few weeks before he took his last breath. Josh and I were very competitive and I got the bigger half... he wasn’t too happy about that! It takes my breath away seeing how frail he was. When he was here I never saw him like that. Cancer, I really freaking hate you. I can’t wait for a day when you will no longer have the power over innocent lives.

Josh Powell, you will be missed around the table this year and every year after that. But rest assured, we will be saying your name and sharing our fondest memories of you like we do everyday.

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